Friday, September 2, 2011

The waiting game.

Yep, waiting is pretty much all I have going on these days. The week after graduation me and about 40 people from my class took a four day review class to essentially cram all of nursing school into four days and help teach us how to pass our boards that are coming up. So since the review class ended three weeks ago I have moved back home, had my tonsils out, and not studied even a little bit for the NCLEX. I have had a phone interview with Spectrum and talked with a recruiter and now I am just waiting to hear back from them about a second interview. And if I don't hear anything by next week I will call and see what the deal is. So pretty much the next few weeks I am going to be studying for boards (for real because I will probably be able to take them in about 3 weeks) and continuing my job hunt! So stayed tuned for hopefully some blog entries titled something along the lines of "OFFICIALLY A REGISTERED NURSE" and "GOT A REAL JOB." Hopefully these posts will be sooner rather than later. I'm ready to get this real life thing rolling.

It's still crazy that Grand Valley started classes this week and I didn't! For the first time in 17 years I am NOT starting school in the fall. Still super weird.


[Please enjoy the funny (but entirely unrelated) pictures I found when searching for "waiting" on Google images.]