Friday, October 7, 2011



The update is coming a little bit late, but truth be told I kind of forgot about my blog since school has ended. Anyway, I have been job hunting for about 2 months now and after two phone interviews finally had an in person interview with the nurse manager at Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids for an adult oncology (cancer) floor. I know what you're all thinking. "DONT YOU WANNA WORK IN PEDS?!?!?!" Yes. Yes I do. However, if I could pick any dream job in the whole world it would be pediatric oncology, so working on an adult oncology floor? AMAZING OPPORTUNITY. I will learn so much and I know I'm going to love it. The nurse manager that I interviewed with was very nice and seemed like she will be a great boss. In each two week period I will be working 7pm-7am for 4 days and 3pm-11pm 3 days, which included every other weekend. I feel so lucky to have been able to get such a great job for my first job! I'm definitely looking forward to starting :)

The last part of my nursing journey is coming in about a week. On October 13th I will take my nursing state boards, called the NCLEX. Once I pass this exam I will officially be a Registered Nurse and be able to start my job! The human resources person that I have been talking to says that I will probably be able to start on Monday, October 24th, so it's coming up VERY quickly.

Stay tuned for my hopefully happy NCLEX update next week, which will officially complete my NURSING SCHOOL ADVENTURE.