Thursday, July 1, 2010

The day I didn't pass out in a C-Section

Today I got to see a C-Section, yaaaaaaaaaay! :) My patient today was scheduled for a C-Section at 9am, so when she came in at 7:30 I got to start working with her. My nurse today was AMAZING and let me help her do a lot of things and she was great at explaining everything that was happening. I felt super cool because I got to wear booties and a hair net and face mask and go into the operating room and all that jazz. The actual C-section took about an hour from the time we walked into the OR until the time we walked out. There were like 12 people in the OR which was crazy, but it was 2 students and one trainee and I think an extra doctor. So it was basically an OR party. I wasn't even nervous at all until the nurses and my classmates kept asking if I was nervous. Haha then dad got really fidgety and nervous too so then I started getting nervous. Mostly because I was afraid I would pass out. Totally didn't. I didn't even feel remotely hot or lightheaded at all the whole time. Watching the C-Section was REALLY cool and my nurse explained everything that was happening as they were doing it. I thought it was fascinating. Watching the doctor pull the baby out was crazy, I don't think there is really any way to prepare yourself for that. It was cool though, and the baby was great, healthy and crying when she came out. Then I got to watch the doctors do all of the sutures. The mom was also WONDERFUL. She talked to me a lot and made me feel like I was actually a part of the process. After she was mostly finished with the C-Section and her husband had left with the baby she was chatting with the staff and she yells "Lindsay how did you do!?!" Haha I told her I was doing great and she said she was glad, so it was kind of fun to be a part of it. I'm going to be taking care of her again tomorrow which will be really nice! So yeah, moral of the story, I can handle being in a surgery without passing out. This is good news. Today was BY FAR, my favorite clinical day ever. Which is cool since tomorrow is our last day :)

I can't even believe that tomorrow will be the end of OB clinical and the end of "Part 2" of the semester. Geeze.


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