Friday, August 6, 2010

Pap smears and Primary Care

Today is the END OF THE SEMESTER!!!!!!!!! :) And even though I still have a few assignments, a presentation and two finals, it still feels good to have the actually class portion of the semester done. Yesterday and today I had my two days in the primary care clinic. We were at the GVSU Family Health Center from 8-5 rooming patients, charting vitals, reporting to the Nurse Practitioners and going into the room with them for the appointments. We actually got to see a lot more things than I thought I would. I was not at ALL looking forward to primary care and thought it would be boring and that I wouldn't learn anything. In reality I actually was able to see quite a bit over the two days I was there. I got to see a medication review, two pap smears, consults for a rash, asthma, anorexia, hypertension, lab reviews and lots of other things. I also got to give a few injections to patients. Primary care gets a bad rap but really it's pretty interesting, and the faculty member that was there with us was really good at making us think critically and dig deeper to figure out diagnoses for our patients. Everyone pretty much told me he was awful, but thankfully I think they were wrong because I really liked him, probably because he is super sassy, but also because I felt like I learned a lot from him in a really short time. Moral of the story, primary care was not that bad, and the semester will be completely over in 5 days.

Say your prayers that I can make it. And not go crazy. And not kill my research professor. And throw in some smiles for good measure.


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