Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finally in peds :)

So although technically my pediatric rotation started in the first week of class, we JUST finally got into the new Helen Devos Children's Hospital last week. The new hospital open 1-11-11 (Cute, right?) and it is the most expensive building in Grand Rapids, ringing in at a final cost of just under $300 million dollars. The hospital has eleven floors and more than 40 different specialties all housed in it. It's absolutely unbelievable. I am putting a link below this of a little 5 minute video clip that gives you an inside look at the hospital because my explanation of it just doesn't do it justice. During our tour our entire group just walked around like little kids looking around in complete awe of everything in the hospital. Even just the little things like having all private rooms, having thermometers and vitals machines in each room, and having separate rooms on each floor for procedures, playrooms, therapy, etc. We are so lucky to be able to have clinical there. For real. It's amazing.

Watch the video!

The only thing I hate about this clinical is that it's Wednesday and Friday from 1-8pm. Clinical until 8pm on a Friday is not exactly my idea of a good time. Other than that though, it's going really well. Wednesday we took a tour for about an hour, then we got assigned our first patient. My first patient was a little boy and he was ADORABLE. His mom was with him and she was really great. We spent a lot of him just chatting and I walked around the floor with him and his parents so he could get out of her room. I love when whole families are nice and make me feel really welcome. I saw them on Friday also and went in and played with him for a little while as they were getting ready to head home. Friday I had a tiny baby as my patient. Her family wasn't the nicest, but they weren't mean either. They just seemed to generally want to get out of the hospital. I did spend a little time chatting with them when I was in there. I got to hold and feed the baby while they were gone and give her a bath so that was really fun, I miss taking care of babies since OB/Labor and Delivery was FOREVER ago. All in all, it was a really good week. The nurses were really nice, which I was really worried about because we were warned that the nurses in peds were not very nice to students. As it turns out though I've had great nurses and hopefully that streak will continue on Friday. We had a SNOW DAY today so I didn't have clinical!

So in general, as it turns out, I still love kids. Who knew right? I may have kept stealing other students patients on Friday just to hang out with and hold them. Luckily half my group doesn't really like kids :)


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