Monday, March 21, 2011

Gilda's Club

Today instead of going to seminar at the CHS building, we had our seminar at Gilda's Club. Gilda's Club is in Grand Rapids and it is a place for people to go whose lives are affected by cancer. It's an amazing place that offers support groups, play groups for kids, resources, and just a place for people to come and be with people who understand what they're going through. They also offer classes like tae-bo, yoga, quilting, basket weaving, and other arts and crafts. They also have an enormous and awesome place for kids to play. People don't live at Gilda's, it's just a place that they can come during the day to get away and talk with people. The building is absolutely awesome. It was a hundred something year old farmhouse that they bought about ten years ago to turn into Gilda's. The pictures show just a few of the rooms in it. It's honestly gorgeous. We also got to listen to three people tell us about their cancer journey and how Gilda's has changed their lives and helped them through their fight with cancer. It's just such an awesome place and it makes me remember why I want to work with people with cancer once I'm a big kid. It always amazes me how many incredibly great places there are out there.

Also if you've seen the thousands of yellow smiles around Grand Rapids, you probably now know that they are for Laugh Fest. What you may not know is that Laugh Fest was put on by Gilda's Club (there are more than just the one in Grand Rapids). The tagline for the event was "Seriously Funny." When you think about it in reference to a cancer benefit, seems appropriate right?


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