Friday, August 12, 2011

Future Me

If you've never heard of, it's a website that let's your write emails to yourself and set the date that you want them sent to you. Once you write them you can't read them again until the date you set them to be sent. So about two months before the end of the semester when I was majorly lacking motivation (obviously because I was procrastinating on this website) I wrote an email to send to myself the day of my pinning ceremony, which was last Saturday. Here it is! I HIGHLY recommend you check out the website :)

Dear FutureMe,

Today you made it! You are officially done with nursing school. I know how hard it has been to stay motivated this summer, but it has paid off. Right now you haven't even started your capstone paper, and are just about to finish your leadership rotation. Pinning still seems so far away. I don't know how you are going to find the motivation to finish everything, but I know you will do it, you always do. Today is the end of college. Five years and today it is all worth it. The tears, the frustration, the doubt and the fear. It's all worth it because today it is over. It is bittersweet. I hope you enjoy every second of this day. The people you are spending it with are amazing and they have been there for you for the past year and a half, and I hope you treasure spending this day with them. I'm sure you will cry, but that's okay. Take it in because after today everything is going to change. But you will figure it all out. Remember to thank mom and dad today, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I hope this day is everything you hoped it would be. Don't stress out about what the next few months will bring, everything will work out :)

Congratulations! YOU MADE IT.

Smile today,


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