Saturday, January 15, 2011

New number, same thing,

I was going to name this post something about 420, as in Nursing 420 which is the course I'm in now, however the only pictures I could find were about marijuana and something about that didn't really seem appropriate. So then I started thinking more about this semester and the title I came up with seemed much more fitting and honest anyway.

Nursing 420 is the fourth semester out of my five in the nursing program, and honestly it feels exactly the same as 350, except it has a different number. All 64 people in my nursing class move through the program together, which I LOVE. But it also means that every semester feels like the same thing. For the past three semesters we have sat in the same room, in the same seats, doing the same thing. This semester started the exact same way as every other semester with all 60 something of us in the computer lab trying to print everything, bitching and being confused. Then we went to seminar, which is boring just like last semester, talked about LEI stuff like we do every semester, etc. Then in theory we did the same drill that we always do, in the same seats. I just am feeling like I'm tired of doing the same thing every semester. I used to be SO excited about the beginning of the semester and lately it just feels like a continuation of previous semesters. I hope that as we get moving with this semester there will be new things that make this class different than the other classes. I just want something NEWWWWWWWWWWW.

I am really excited for clinical this semester because I finally get to do my pediatric clinical. This is really cool because we are in the brand new hospital that just opened on Tuesday and is the most expensive building in all of Grand Rapids. It's AWESOME. Unfortunately we can't get into the new hospital for our first two weeks of clinical so we are going to Mary Free Bed for a week before we go there. I will update more next week after I go to MFB. This week I didn't have anything with clinical though so I only had a two day week, which is awesome because I have bronchitis and pink eye and just feel like sleeping :) Stay tuned for clinical adventures next week!


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