Wednesday, March 9, 2011

150 days to go! (And other number related milestones)

For those of you who don't know, I'm mildly obsessed with countdowns. I have a countdown app on my phone now that is counting down until a variety of things, mostly KCON Pinning and Grand Valley Graduation. Pinning is August 6th and our actual "graduation" when we are done for good, and graduation for Grand Valley is April 30th (we have to walk because there is no commencement ceremony in August when we are really done). So yesterday marked 150 days to go until PINNING, when we are DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR GOOD! It's kind of a big deal because it means we only have 5 months to go. And tomorrow will be only 50 days until Grand Valley Graduation, where I get to rock the cap and gown and all that fun stuff. It's all happening really fast all of a sudden and I can't believe that in five months I will be done with nursing school and studying for the NCLEX and being a real nurse. Tomorrow is also when it will have been 100 days since I made my paper chain countdown! So when I get back to school at the end of Spring Break I will have to take an updated picture so everyone can see how much shorter it's gotten.

Moral of the story: I can't believe how time is flying now and that we are this close to being done with school! :)

Enjoy my funny picture of Elmo and the Count. Even they are excited to count down until August.


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