Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Beginning of the End!

At the end of NUR 315, my first nursing class, I got all mushy at the end of my post and talked about how nursing school would never be better than it was then and how it would never be the same as it was with my friends in that class. I said that it wasn't the end, but it was "the end of the beginning." Well here we are now, and I was completely wrong about things not getting any better. In the past 3 semesters since then I have made so many more great friends, gotten to know almost everyone in my class, and had so many amazing times. That brings me to today. The beginning of the end. Today was the first day of our LAST semester of nursing school. It feels so surreal that we have come this far. Yesterday I volunteered to go into NUR 320 (The hardest semester of the program and the semester everyone panics about) to talk to the students about the class. Basically the professors leave the room and let a few of us just take questions and give advice on how to get through it, what they should and shouldn't do, if they can work during clinical, how to study, is it really that bad, etc. It's kind of fun and kind of funny to think that it's already been a year since we were in their shoes. Today was my first day of class. This semester, well for the first 6 weeks, I have seminar from 8-920, which is a group of only 5 of us that meets to talk about clinical and all kinds of stuff. Then we have theory from 9:30-11:40, then a break, and then theory again from 12:30-2:40. It's a lot of class in one, but then I remember that it's still not even close to as bad as NUR 320 was. Haha. I spent a lot of time today just getting organized (shocker) so that I can feel like I have some control over my life. Everyone in my class makes fun of my obsessive organization but I think secretly they're just jealous. First days are just always so overwhelming that if I don't get organized then I feel like I can't handle it. As far as first days go though, today wasn't that bad. We had a med calculation test due today, which was 20 questions of calculation IV drip rates, flow rates, how long it will take IV's to run, etc. And we had to get 100% on it. I did. Boom. And it was nice to see all of my friends again. The worst part of this semester will probably be that we have to write a Capstone paper. 16 pages. Minimum 25-30 references. Not looking forward to THAT. But hey, such is life! I think this semester is gonna go by super fast. I start my leadership rotation on Monday, so stay tuned for that.

Picture is of the paper chain when we had 100 days left, but now we only have 86 days to go! :):):)


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