Sunday, August 31, 2014

First day of class!

I know this is two posts in one day but I wanted to separate them since one was orientation and one was for classes! SO. Wednesday was our first day of classes. I am only taking two classes this semester because I will be continuing to work full-time because a) I am not rich and b) school is not free. My two classes are Advanced Physiology & Pathophysiology and The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse. The physiology class meets on Wednesdays from 850-1130am at Valpo. It is also an option to attend class virtually online using a headset and microphone, but I don’t plan on doing that unless I absolutely have to because I have literally no attention span and if I am sitting on my couch I will likely not pay any attention. The class seems fairly straight forward. Lecture for three hours, then three exams and a final, with one paper and project in the middle and a few small quizzes and assignments each week. But nothing really crazy and it seems like he is generous with posting practice exams and repeating questions. And we are supposed to read 80-100 pages each week which I am OBVIOUSLY not going to do. Be real. So that’s that class. The other class is online only. There is not time set for the class to all be online or anything like that, it’s just online presentations, discussion boards and assignments. There is a big paper and presentation due once throughout the semester but I don’t think it is going to be anything too difficult. So those are the two classes I am taking. I feel like kind of a slacker because a lot of the people in my class are trying to work full-time and go to school full-time but I just felt like it was going to be too much. I figured I would rather end the semester thinking “Hm. That wasn’t so bad, I could have taken another class,” rather than “Cool, I already failed a class.” So I think things will be very manageable with just the two classes. Stay tuned on how things go!

 The picture is of my physiology textbook, to demonstrate that apparently in grad school they can charge $240 for a USED textbook and not even spring for the extra cash to put a picture on the front.


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