Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grey's Anatomy is the reality of our lives.

Today in seminar we got to watch a 5ish minute clip of Grey's Anatomy. We've been reading about cultural competency this week and this episode was an example we used to see what was done well and what wasn't. In the episode a Hmong woman needs to have surgery but her father refuses to allow her to have surgery unless she comes home first. Derek and Merredith try to convince her to go ahead with the surgery against her father's wishes but because of her cultural beliefs she can't do that. It turns out that her father felt that she was missing one of her souls and they needed to have a shaman come in and find it before she could have surgery. Moral of the story, they had a shaman flow in by helicopter (okay so that part is less realistic) to find the lost soul :) It was a great way to see how cultural competency applies in real situations, and it ALSO proves that Grey's Anatomy IS the reality of our lives.

The song "I hear the bells" by Mike Doughty was in this episode and i'm a little in love with it. Everyone should download it. Go.

Or listen to it on Youtube here:


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