Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Twas the night before testing....

This is the customary "freaking out before my first nursing practicum" entry. As per usual I am super nervous and freaking out about everything in my life, more specifically about vital signs testing tomorrow (Oh yeah and my Pharmacology exam that is also tomorrrow. Why don't all of my professors telepathically know when all of my other exams are?). I know that I need to calm down and stop worrying so much because I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm still insanely nervous. I guess because I don't really know what to expect and I don't know if I'm going to get in the room with my professor and just freeze or forget stuff or not be able to find my partners pulse. I feel like I've done a lot of practice though in the last few labs and on my sisters. This week I enlisted my sorority sisters my "patients." Sarah K, Katie L., Tiffany, Jackie, Steph Peck, Nadia, and Emmy all let me take their pulses, respirations, and blood pressure on Monday so I could get some extra practice. It's days like that that make me remember how much I love my ASA sisters :) Today we had seminar until 11 and then had time to kill until LEI orientation at 130 so we all went to the lab and got in some more practice. Then we ate lunch and studied our flashcards. My lab section = SUPER STUDIOUS. In other news, we got our LEI clients names and contact info today and we can contact them as soon as next Monday. It was a lot of information at once and I'm still not entirely sure that I understand what we are supposed to do at our visit but I'm sure I will figure it out. I'm pretty excited about it. Nervous, but excited. That seems to pretty much describe how I feel about the nursing program in general. Nervous but excited. Say your prayers for me to not freak out tomorrow! :)


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