Monday, May 31, 2010

Time flies.

Well apparently my blog updating skills have been lacking later, so here goes! Last week in theory we learned more about Labor & Delivery, specifically about the postpartum client. I love love love the professor that we have had for lecture the last two classes, and she is doing our lecture tomorrow. Sadly after that she doesn't do anymore lectures for our class. Sad news. She is super great though. She works as an L&D nurse and has so many stories that it actually makes our 3.5 hour class bearable. We have our first theory exam tomorrow and I haven't really studied at all for it. Stay tuned for a rousing game of "Let's see how well Lindsay can guess on multiple choice questions." Should be a good time.

In other news, we are almost done with lab! :) Last week Tuesday we had our Med Calculations test, that we needed to get 100% on to pass. Aaaaand I passed it. Also on Tuesday I did my sterile technique testing and passed that as well. And sometime last week I tested out of injection sites. Maybe that was last Friday? Who knows. Either way I passed that one too. Wednesday I didn't have to go to lab because I rocked sterile technique testing. Thursday we did Medication Administration pretesting. This was SUPER helpful because we just got to have a full run through of the testing and get feedback on things we need to work on before the real test. The only thing I did wrong was not pick the right length of needle for my injection but I corrected myself at the end and the professor doing the testing said other than that I did everything exactly right. So my final testing for that is tomorrow @ 1250. If I pass that then I am done with everything for lab except for a simulation day on Thursday. These last three weeks have FLOWN by.

I guess I can continue my rambling on and talk about seminar. Oh seminar... Well, the "professor" that I have for seminar has no idea what is going on. She agreed to teach this class literally 4 days before the start of the semester (how have I gone this long without venting about this??). I get really frustrated when people don't know what's going because I like organization and I like to know exactly what I am supposed to be doing. What I don't like is having a teacher who doesn't have access to Blackboard, know ANYTHING about our program, or know what we are doing. Apparently it's totally fine to just pull random nurses off the street and let them teach seminars. She's a nice lady, but the class is BEYOND frustrating. Luckily the course coordinator is figuring this out and sending us emails to help us out.

So yeah, that's what's new. Bring on WEEK FOUR! :)

PS. "Time flies" is another expression that I hate.


itskate said...

did you know in sign language they don't use idioms like we do. So when someone says time flies to a deaf person they think the clock is seriously flying? just a little tidbit I thought you would enjoy :)

xoxo -K

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