Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Passing lab and not failing Exam One

I know its not a very creative title for this post, but what can I say, it's what happened today. Contrary to what I thought yesterday, I only had to play the "multiple choice guessing game" a limited number of times on my theory exam. I actually ended up getting an 87% on it, which is amazing, considering that I studied for MAYBE a grand total of an hour. So needless to say, I was pretty impressed with myself. And since this exam is worth a lot more than the other ones, it's nice to have a pretty solid start. So yeah, good stuff. I also passed by Medication Administration final testing today so now I've passed out of all my lab skills and get tomorrow off :) And we are done with lab for the semester! Now all I have left this week is OB Simulation Lab and Clinical Orientation from 9-4 on Thursday and I'm done for the week.



Jenna Mitchell said...

Yo friendski! How did you get to be one of the most amazing women I know?! Huh...strange...Anyways, I was thinking that you're almost to 1000 visits to your blog and maybe we should do something to celebrate? Like sip delicious coffee with good creamer and eat fancy, expensive chocolate and all-the-while we can sit back and remember how our friendship started...sounds amazing, right? Okay, that is all! Friends-4-Life!

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