Thursday, October 21, 2010

Half way!!

So as the title implies, this week marked being half way done with not only the semester but also exactly half way done with the NURSING PROGRAM! The program is five semesters long and we are currently 2.5 semesters into it. I can't believe how fast it's going and it's so nice to think that we are kind of in the downhill half of it now :)

This week was only a two-day week for me because my group started clinical last week while everyone else had the week off, so we got this week off instead! Monday we had a skills practice day in lab for the entire three hours to practice for our final test-out that was on Tuesday. The test-out was over either NG tube insertion (a nasogastric tube that is inserted through the nose into the stomach for decompression/suction or feeding) or central line dressing change (easier than NG tube insertion BUT has to be a sterile procedure which is harder). We had to be ready for either of the tests and the instructor picked which one we had to do. I really hate this nerve-racking-don't-know-what-you-are-going-to-have-to-do test-out crap. That being said, I did the central line dressing change and everything went fine, and I passed. The picture is of all of the things that are found in the kit for the dressing change. Bonus: Tuesday was our last day of lab for the semester, and now I only have theory class on Mondays and Tuesdays, which is awesome because I can sleep in :) BOOM.

The bad news is that we have our second theory exam on Monday and I have ZERO motivation to study for it. Blah.


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