Thursday, October 7, 2010

So long Saint Mary's

Yesterday was our last day at the Lack's Cancer Center at Saint Mary's Hospital. We just got to take a half day and only one patient for the day, then we all went out to lunch together to celebrate the end of our rotation. I really enjoyed my time at Lack's. The nurses there were absolutely amazing. They were so helpful and so willing to teach us. They really made it a wonderful experience. I also really loved my clinical group this semester. There were four people in this clinical that I was close with from my NUR 315 lab and a few people that I didn't know at all. But we all had a good time together over the past 6 weeks. (Please see the cheesy pics).

I can't believe that the first six weeks of the semester are already gone. This semester is absolutely flying by faster than I think any other semester has. Next week I already jump right back into clinical and start my mental health rotation. I am at Ferugson Apartments, which is an apartment building/home from people with mental disabilities. I don't know a whole lot about it, but I will update once I know more. I start there on Wednesday and will be there from 8-4 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It will be super great to sleep in until 6:30 or 7 in the mornings :)

Since I didn't have clinical today I volunteered at a flu vaccine clinic in Allendale. There were 12 students there and we have over 200 flu shots! The shots were free to faculty/staff and their dependents, spouses, etc, so a lot of people came. I feel much better about giving injections though, since I gave probably 30 of them today. It was pretty cool though, I liked talking with people and I actually like giving the shots. Is it weird that I think it's fun? Probably yes.


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