Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friends for Life ♥

In my first blog entry I talked about how I already felt like I was making friends that I would stay friends with for the rest of my time in the nursing program, and as it turns out I was right. I have met so many people in the nursing program that have honestly turned into my family over these past ten months. When you spend as much time with people as we spend with each other, it would be impossible to not get close. So my friend Jenna decided that the group of us that it really close should all get together and take a Christmas card picture of our "Nursing Family." I am in love with the pictures. And these people. They really do get me through the program, keep me on track and keep me sane. I can't imagine what my life is going to be like in ten more months when we all go our separate ways. Jenna was also the one that on our very first day of lab in Nursing 315 asked us if we thought we were all going to be friends for life. At the time we all thought that she was crazy, but now I wonder if we really will all stay friends down the road. I am so lucky to have met so many amazing people that have become some of my best friends. It's cheesy, I know. But if you look at the pictures you should understand that we are just really cheesy kind of people :)

Also, clinical was really uneventful this week and we only had one day! I got my clinical placements for next semester and I am at Helen Devos Children's Hospital 9C for my pediatrics rotation and back at St. Mary's on 3 Lacks (which is BRAND NEW and not even open yet) for my second Med-Surg rotation. I will update more on those next semester though.


Unknown said...

Super embarassing: I'm crying at work. LOVE YOU, LG!

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