Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

This week we only had class on Monday and Tuesday because we have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving, which was WONDERFUL. It was so nice to not have clinical this week and be able to take a break and relax. We had our third exam on Monday so it was kind of stressful to study for that but Cheryl and I tried to be really pro-active and study throughout the week so we didn't have to cram the day of the exam. But don't get me wrong, I still crammed the day of the exam. Totally paid off though, got a 94%. Happy Thanksgiving to me :)

On that note, this week has made me (along with the rest of the country) think about all of things that I am thankful for in my life. On the subject of nursing/school there are so many things that I am thankful for. First of all I am thankful for the opportunity that I have to even be in college. There are so few people, and even fewer women, around the world that have the opportunity to go to college at all, let along go to college for five years. I am also thankful for my grandparents and aunt, who have all passed away but provided me with enough money to help pay for a substantial amount of my first few years of college. Without their help, paying for college would have much more of a burden on myself and parents and I am so grateful for them. Which brings me to my parents, who have been constantly supportive both emotionally and financially. My parents have helped me to not have to stress about money throughout my time in college, and they have been supportive when I thought I wouldn't make it in nursing, and when I told them it was going to take me five years to graduate. They have always been there to tell me I could do it and that things were going to work out. They are always interested in what I am doing and just generally always there for me. I am so so grateful for everything that they do for me. I am also thankful that I am going into nursing because it gives me the opportunity to touch the lives of the people I care for. I think that being a nurse is the greatest job in the world because we get to be there for people when they desperately need someone to be there for them. I can't wait to graduate and be a real nurse. The nursing program at Grand Valley, though frustrating at times, is amazing and wonderful and provides us with so many great opportunities to grow and learn and get real world experience. The final thing that I am thankful for is my FRIENDS in the nursing program. The people that I have met in the past 11 months are so incredible and have become such a huge part of my life. They are all just genuinely kind and nice people and I am so blessed to have met them and have them in my life. I am so thankful that I have gotten to know them and that they are there for me when I need them.

Moral of the story, I am so lucky to be where I am right now. There were so many times when I never thought that I would make it into the nursing program and thought I would never be able to become a nurse. Now that I am here I feel so blessed that I have made it this far and that in less than nine months I will graduate and be able to finally be a nurse. I am so thankful for all of the people that have helped me to get to this point (my bestie/roommate Courtney for putting up with my crying and frustration for two years) and I am thankful now for all of the people helping me along this journey. So thank you thank you thank you to everyone, I love you all.


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