Thursday, January 28, 2010

The many lessons of House

So I admit that House is not exactly the reality of our lives, but I love it all the same. I think that in real life, Gregory House and I would probably be besties. Sure he's a cynical asshole, but he's amusing and oddly attractive. I like the medical aspect of House a lot also. I like that as I watch it now I can actually understand a good portion of what they are talking about. I guess three years of physiology, anatomy, biochem, Nutrition, etc have actually taught me something. Who knew? Anyway, there is one episode of House that I think is one of my faves of all time because it has lot of insight and great quotes in it. I just watched an episode of House, not the one I'm talking about, but it made me think of this one. This episode also really makes me see how much we as nurses and doctors can learn from the people we care for. Ok so the story is that there is a woman in the hospital who used to be a world famous cancer researcher but she decides to give it all up because she isn't happy. She wants to do things that make her happy so she starts taking cooking classes, going on vacations, etc. Dr. Taub is one of the doctors taking care of her and he can't understand why she would give up cancer research to pursue the things that make HER happy. He says that he is unhappy and he doesn't know what to do. She then tells him that "the only wrong thing is to do nothing." I know, deep right? The quote below is one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE QUOTES EVER. Yes, that is in all caps like an over-dramatic 12 year-old, but I really wanted everyone to understand how much I love this quote. I do. A lot.

"I always worry on my death bed that I'll think I didn't do anything really important." -Taub
"You're gonna spend one day of your life on your death bed. The other 25,000 are the ones we should be worrying about." -Patient

I tried for half an hour to find the episode on Youtube so I could post it, but no such luck. When I am unprepared for lab tomorrow, know that it's because I waste time looking for touching House moments online.



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