Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thoughts from the past.

So Jessica Bickford wrote on my wall today. This prompted me to read our "Wall to wall" convo, where I found a funny comment that I had written on her wall on November 23, 2008. This was at the time in my life where I was having a mid-life crisis, decided I was changing my major, dyed my hair, got a tattoo, etc. It said:

[Yeah, I think im over being a nursing kid. I'm gonna be a health professions kid and go to grad school for PT. That's the new plan. Nursing is just not my thing anymore.

I think I'm having a life crisis.

I miss your face.]

Looking back, its funny to remember when I was so fed up with the nursing program that I was ready to just quit and change my major because I thought I would never make it into the program. The point is that I'm so glad that I stuck with it because I know that it's going to be worth it in the end. I am always telling people who are pre-nursing to stick with it because it will be worth it and that they can make it. It's funny to remember that I was also ready to give up on it. So here's to NOT giving up on nursing :)


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