Thursday, February 25, 2010

The day I almost died.

Okay, not really. But today I was driving to the parking garage to catch the Dash, when I realized that I forgot to bring shorts with me. We needed shorts because we were doing an assessment of the Peripheral Vascular System, which included the legs. So I'm already halfway down Fulton, near that Polish Falcon building that I'm fairly certain is a cult, when I turn left to cut to Lake Michigan to turn around and go get shorts. Well this road that I turn on is clearly not plowed, and may have actually never been plowed in the last week, way to rock it Grand Rapids. So I'm trying to go super quick since I'm trying to calculate in my head how late I'm already going to be when I realize that this road sucks a little too late. I go to stop at the stop sign to turn onto Lake Michigan drive and my car has other plans. So since I am not lucky enough to be at a 4-way stop and cars are coming down Lake Michigan and I realize that if I don't stop I will get hit from possibly both sides of oncoming traffic. Super. So I decide that the better solution would be to drive into a four foot tall snow bank at the corner on the right side of the road. Clearly this stops my car. I don't know how I got to be such a chill driver, because this whole incident has almost no effect on me. So I slowly back off the snow back, and decide to just turn right and head back to the parking garage...without shorts. I figured it was probably a sign anyway.

My mother will not appreciate this post as much as other people may.

Also I hope everyone likes my really over dramatic picture of how snowy the road was.


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