Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meeting my LEI client and wanting Yesterdog

So as part of the nursing program, each nursing student is assigned to an elderly client through a program called the Longitudinal Elder Initiative. This LEI client is someone that we will meet with 14 times throughout the next 5 semesters of the program. In NUR 315 we only meet with them once, and I met with mine for the first time last night! I was suuuper nervous and almost rescheduled until after I could talk to my professors and feel more prepared, but I decided to just go for it. When I was getting directions to my clients house I realized I had to go past YESTERDOG to get there, which then made me want to go to my client's house LESS, and go to yesterday way more. Look at the picture, you will agree. Anyway, I went over to my clients house to meet with her and ended up staying there for about 2 hours to get done with all of the assessments and diagrams that I needed to get done. BUT it was really comfortable and I really wasn't nervous at all. My client was super nice and made me not feel so nervous. This LEI experienced pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, but i'm really glad that it did. There have been a lot of things so far that I have done in the nursing program that have pushed me outside of my comfort zone, which is something that I tend not to do for myself if I'm not pushed. I'm glad that the nursing program is pushing me because it makes me think that I will be able to rise to the challenges that I'm going to be up against in the next few semesters. Good thing I'm tough shit :)


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