Thursday, July 8, 2010

The day I saw a baby come out of a vagina.

I tried to come up with a more creative and less graphic title, but then I decided that if I had to see it in real life, you all could probably handle reading it. If not, I apologize. I also apologize for the two "The day I..." titles in a row. I guess my creative juices are just not flowing right now, that or they are all going into trying to write my Tuskegee paper (clearly I'm doing a great job writing it right now).

So last Friday was my last day of OB Clinical! Crazy right? Last week as also the most exciting week of clinical because I got to see TWO deliveries. I know this doesn't sound that exciting, but after waiting for three weeks to see one, it was really exciting to see deliveries two days in a row. Since I already talked about the C-section I guess I can talk about Friday! So Friday when I got there, my instructor came in and said there was a woman that was already 6cm dilated and this was her third baby (meaning her labor would probably go quickly). By the time I got down there they said she was already 8cm. So I went and found my nurse, who was AMAZING by the way, and we went in to check on the patient. When we checked her again, she was ready to push! This was at like 7:25. We called the doctor, she came in, and she started pushing at 7:42, aaaand the baby was born at 7:52. WOW. It went super quick. I got to hold one of her legs while she pushed so I was right up in the action. Once the baby was born I got to put the medication in his eyes and give him the Vitamin K shot. There's nothing like giving a shot to a 5 minute old baby to make you feel really guilty. But it was amazing and I loved being able to see the birth and be a part of it. Then the nurse let me do all of the 15 minute checks on the mom and record all of information and what not. So it was great. We left early on Friday to go to our last post-conference and I didn't want to leave...

So like I said, Friday was the last day of OB Clinical. All of our paperwork and assessments and what not was due this week and we met with our instructor to make sure everything was done and that we had passed. As happy as I am to do done with the next step of Nursing 320, I am really going to miss being in OB and seeing the babies :) I could definitely see myself working as Labor and Delivery Nurse. But now it's on to Primary Care, which I am not looking forward to even a little bit.


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