Thursday, July 22, 2010

My blog has monsters on it :)

That's not really the point of the entry, but I just really love my new blog template. I think it's seriously adorable. I think I will let it stay for a while because it makes me smile :) I especially like that it says "Take me to your Leader" on the sides.

Anyway, this week was actually pretty busy, or at least I had something to do everyday. Monday I had my meeting with Professor Couzens to go over my care plan, Nursing diagnoses, and Teaching and Learning paper before I went to my third LEI visit on Wednesday. I managed to get everything done before my meeting by some miracle. My meeting went really well considering I thought she would tear all of my stuff apart. As it turned out she pretty much loved everything and I had almost nothing that needed to be corrected. Boom. Tuesday I had class all day, including my 4th exam, which sucked a lot. The whole class pretty much bombed it so they ended up re-evaluating the test and giving us back some points so that helped. I still did worse on this exam than any other ones and I now I have a stupid 'B+' in the class. I'm hoping to raise it back to an 'A' by the end of the semester though. Wednesday I met with my LEI client for my third visit. This visit was my teaching visit so I taught my client about constipation relief and exercises and stretching and all kinds of things. She mostly knew all of it already, but it still went well. It was a super short visit, which was nice because then I got to go to Cheryl's house and swim all day :)

Which brings me to today, Thursday. I had to go to a health fair at the Metro Health Farmer's Market and take blood pressures and hand out nutrition information. It was actually a really awesome farmer's market and I ended up buying kettle corn, some raspberry salsa (which I will bring home Mom!) and some dip mix. There were 8 students that were at this health fair we took about 80 people's blood pressure. I probably did about 15 of them. It was really interesting to talk to people about blood pressure and nutrition related to fruits and vegetables and be able to do some one on one teaching. My professor that was there with us pulled me aside and asked me if I knew what I wanted to go into yet. I told her I was thinking Pediatrics or Labor and Delivery and she told me I should go into something where I have limited time with patients because I am great at establishing rapport with clients very quickly. So that kind of made my day :)

Tomorrow I am volunteering at the Nursing 315 orientation for the class starting in the fall. It's hard to believe that I am already almost done with two semesters and now helping welcome in the new class. It feels like I JUST had my orientation and wrote my first blog entry and now we are almost done with NUR 320. Awww we are all growing up so fast :)


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