Thursday, August 12, 2010

Two down, three to go!

Well now I can say that the semester is OFFICIALLY and COMPLETELY over, so I have two semesters down and three to go! I had my theory final on Tuesday morning and I basically decided to protest studying but I still did fine on it. I was a little disappointed because I really wanted an A in the class, but I guess I will have to settle for the B+. I guess I am okay with it because while I know that I could have gotten an A if I stayed in Grand Rapids and studied on the weekends, I decided it was more important to come home on the weekends and spend time with my friends and family. So I guess I really don't have any regrets about that. I also had Nursing Research this semester and I ended up with an A- in the class so I'm really thrilled about that. Also I got it over with early so I don't have to take it next semester with 350!

So overall, 320/321 was NOT even that bad of a semester. Everyone kept telling us that 320 was terrible and insane and crazy hard. I kind of want to punch those people in the face for freaking us all out and making us think it was going to be awful when it wasn't bad at all. Yes it was a lot of work, it was insanely unorganized and usually really confusing, but it was completely manageable and not worth all the freaking out. My only really big criticism of the class was how HORRIBLY unorganized it was. I probably had 12 professors for 2 classes and all of them would tell us different things. If the class could just get organized it would be much more enjoyable and much less frustrating. Really though, I loved having OB this semester and I didn't hate primary care. I'm just really really glad it's all over.

I'm super excited to start Nursing 350, working in a cancer center, and a home for people with mental disabilities, and learning new things :)


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