Monday, August 2, 2010

Correction: Aliens

After this tough Facebook post from Nicole: "Idk if anyone has broken this news to you yet... I hope so, bc I don't want to be the one who has to do it. But, I'll take one for the team. Those are not monsters on your blog. They're aliens... that's why it says 'take me to your leader.' Alright, let me know how you're holding up after this harsh blow and if's anything I can do to help you through this difficult time. :)" I now realize that there are ALIENS on my blog. NOT monsters. What an oversight on my part.

Anyway, I didn't update last week because nothing much happened! I had class all day Tuesday, met with my nursing research group to get rolling on our presentation that we have to give next week, and worked on some stuff for Webquest. Webquest is this super fun thing we have to do for seminar where we have to do a presentation and provide a teaching tool on a topic (my group is "Avoiding the Freshman 15") So we have to do website critiques, annotated bibs, answer questions, evaluate group members, etc. So we have to finish that up during break tomorrow and then present it in seminar at 3. Then classes will be over :)

I also had my last visit with my LEI client on Wednesday. This visit we began to make a time-line of our client's life covering the first twenty years. So basically I just got to sit and listen to my client tell me stories about her life, siblings, parents, friends, school, activities, etc. I LOVED it. She had so many funny stories to tell me and I loved just being able to sit and listen to her talk (while taking extensive notes of course). It was my favorite visit by far. So now I am done with all of my LEI stuff for the semester.

This week I FINALLY do my primary care clinical days on Thursday and Friday at the Grand Valley Family Health Center (which is the picture). Then in addition to doing all of my clinical assignments this weekend, I also have to study for two finals. It's gonna be a wonderful weekend.


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