Friday, February 5, 2010

♫ It's the start of something new ♫

Yes, I did title this entry after a High School Musical song. A close second title choice would have been "Start all Over" by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. Sometimes I really feel like my musical tastes would fit in better with a group of sixth graders. This week has definetely had its ups and downs.

First the downs: I've been feeling a little frustrated lately. I think it's because a lot of my friends are graduating after this semester and i feel like I'm starting all over. The nursing program is almost like its own separate college (yes I know, it's the Kirkhof College of Nursing, duh) but I mean that it almost feels completely separate from Grand Valley. In this way, just starting the program this year makes me feel like being a freshman all over again, at 22. Not the greatest feeling in the world. On the one hand I feel like even if I could graduate I wouldn't be ready. It's not that I'm in a giant hurry to get out of college, but it still is frustrating to see all of the people my age finishing up and graduating. Everyone also keeps asking me when I am graduating. My response? NEVER. Because really its still such a long time away.

On a positive note: This week we got to practice health assessments on standard patients. Standard patients are people from the community who get paid $12 an hour to let a bunch of nervous nursing students ask them about their life goals, bowel habits and sexual satisfaction. Good gig right? I really had a lot of fun with the standard patient experience though. I felt like I did a really good job at being comfortable with the patients and asking all of the questions well. I wasn't really nervous or anxious about it and both of the people that I did assessments with were really great. It was really cool to be in a room with a real person, not a classmate, and actually get to interact with them one on one in a real nursing situation. While I was observing my partner I got really excited thinking of all the new things we have already learned. I am so cheesy. But really, in the four weeks in the program I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and thrown into situations a few times and every time I've been super nervous and uncomfortable but ended up doing fine and enjoying it. Oh nursing program, you are one crazy lady.

Also, today we talked about interpreting body language, which totally made me realize that sorority recruitment is ALSO the reality of our lives. BOOM CITY.


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