Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Nursing Students do not palpate for thrills!!!"

So as you may have gathered, my nursing lab section has bonded quite a bit in the past seven weeks. Though I don't know how other nursing sections are, I know that ours is probably different than others because of how close we've gotten. So last week we started planning a nursing sleepover. My friend Jenna and I started planning and really hoped that everyone would get into it and want to come. The sleepover was last night and it was SO much fun. 14 people out of the 16 in our lab section came and I think we had a great time. We ate a TON of food, played Catch Phrase and Apples to Apples, played nursing Bingo, got prizes and had a good time. Also, as you probably saw from the picture, we made a giant pyramid in my living room. Yes, we are this cool. It makes me really upset to think that we won't all be together next semester because of how much I love hanging out with everyone. But as Jenna says, "we will be friends for life." haha. It was a great night with some of my new favorite people :)


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