Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who does this?

So today in seminar, our professor told us a story about a group of nursing students at a university who were doing clinicals in a hospital. Apparently she said the students were text messaging on their phones WHILE checking in patients, WHILE charting, and actually WHILE walking a post-op patient. We then had a mini-lecture about all of the reasons that this was a poor life choice. Umm, duh. Honestly, most of the things that we talk about seem to be common sense, and I honestly feel that it tends to be a waste of time. But I guess it's nice to be able to have a class to just talk about different things. In other news, I can't believe we are already in our 7th week of class...When did that happen?

Edit from an un-named source: I find it humorous that your seminar instructor (Dr. Washburn, I assume) told you that they were students at another university that were texting during clinicals. This is a lie... they were GV students. We were told the same story only she o...wned up to it being some of our super cool fellow KCON students :) Be proud ;)

Haha knowing this makes that story so much funnier.


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