Sunday, June 12, 2011

5 weeks down and 50-something days to go

I've been a big slacker lately on the blog, which I regret because I don't want to quit updating this close to the end, but I think it's just because honestly, I am getting tired of talking about nursing school and kind of ready to be done. I haven't been meaning to neglect it, I just don't have tons to say! Leadership has been really great, for lack of a more eloquent way to say it. Last time I updated I had only gone to three days of Leadership (in the pediatric sedation unit, if you forgot), and now I have been there a total of 11 days and have only two left to go! In the last few weeks I have learned so much about communicating with families and talking with doctors, nurses, techs, and just a whole lot of people. The department that I am working in is just incredible. I really enjoy all of the nurses and nurse techs that work there and it has really made this rotation a wonderful experience. I have gotten very comfortable with telling families about the medications we use, what is going to happen before, during and after the procedure, and giving discharge instructions. I am getting much more independent and able to take on more responsibility each day that I am there. My preceptor is wonderful and we get along really well. She is great at answering all of my questions and letting me take on more responsibility, but not in a way that pushes me into anything she doesn't think I can handle. While sometimes I am out of my comfort zone, it's in a way that pushes me to be better, not in a way that scares me. Honestly, it's just been really great. I am really enjoying it and I feel that even though I may not be working on a floor and getting that kind of experience, I am still learning so much about working with other people and about communicating with patients and families. I can't believe it will be over on Tuesday!

I promise to write a more thoughtful and reflective entry later this week when I have more time! This week I am preparing for my Evidence-based practice presentation that my group is presenting next Tuesday, finishing up all of my evaluations, journals and paperwork from Leadership that is due on Wednesday, and continuing to work on my capstone paper, so it has definitely been busy! I am looking forward to finishing Leadership on Tuesday, having class on Wednesday and then taking 5 days off before my presentation and the start of my next and LAST rotation next week!

When I went to google "Leadership" I brain-farted and typed "Leader fish" and whelp, got the picture of just that. A Leader fish. I like it. Leader fish it is.

I also almost forget the not obligatory countdown update at the end of each post! What was I thinking?


53 days to go! :)

(New paper chain picture soon!)


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