Wednesday, June 22, 2011

End of Leadership and half way done :)

I know, I know, I said I would be better at updating. Yet here we are...ten days later. Haha I guess it's better than the 20 days I went between the last two entries! So I promised a more thoughtful reflection of my time in my leadership rotation and here it is. Leadership was such a great experience. I really enjoyed feeling like I actually knew what I was doing and being somewhere long enough to get comfortable there. This experience on the other hand, makes me just want to be done with school that much more. Once you spend 6 weeks in one place, getting to know the floor, the daily routine, the medications and ALL of the staff, it really sucks to just pack it in and leave. Leadership also made me see that I am ready to be a nurse. I am able to work with other nurses, physicians, techs, and families and really do well at it. This also makes me just want to be done with school and have a job. Somewhere that I can put it the work to learn all about and then once I finally get the hang of everything, I can just STAY there. On my last day a bunch of the nurses that I was in a room with asked my instructor if I could just skip community health and stay with them the rest of the semester. I wish. We are at the point now where we are starting to job hunt and I'm working on some networking with people I know in the hospitals and getting ready to start emailing people and applying. SCARY. I'm hoping that with the help of my preceptor (who has worked in almost every area of the children's hospital and knows EVERYONE) and other nurses that work down there, they will help me get in touch with some of the managers on the floors to send in my resume. Networking. Boom. I hate playing this game....Stay tuned for the job hunt updates.

Also this week, my group did our evidence-based practice presentation on Tuesday. It was about the effectiveness of transitional interventions to prepare families to move from the acute/critical care setting to home. Super exciting stuff. 30 minutes of fun to be exact. But I'm glad it's over and that we did well on it. I also had my final evaluation for my leadership rotation. Don't worry, I passed. My instructor thinks I'm awesome and continued her semester long goal of peer-pressuring me into going to grad school. Not gonna happen, but I appreciate that she thinks I should.

I also finally picked a capstone topic for SURE. I'm doing "Reducing hospital emergency department visits for asthma in school age children." Sounds exciting right? I've determined that nursing is not even remotely exciting this semester. So yay capstone paper. I already have 21 articles for it and I'm super pumped to start reading them. Bleh, so over this.

In other news, had our first exam today, worth 20% of our grade. Studied for literally less than an hour. 95%. Damn I'm good.

44 days! The picture of the paper chain is when it had 50 days left, it's getting so tiny :) Oh, and the semester is half way over.

And I start my community health rotation. I literally could not be less excited.


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