Thursday, June 23, 2011

KCHD Day One..

So I started my Community Health rotation started today at the KCHD, Kent County Health Department. I was not excited but tried to go into it with a good attitude. I didn't get lost getting there or getting into the building so at least that was a good start! Then I thought that today was just going to be orientation type stuff, the tour, going over the syllabus and assignments and all that jazz. Nope. We had two speakers come in and talk to us, one about safety when doing home visits and the other one about Healthy Kent, a county program based on Healthy People 2020. Then our instructor tells us that we are just jumping right in today and following public health nurses on home visits. Some people followed nurses while others followed dieticians and social workers. All of the people that we went out with though were part of a program that works with pregnant moms and their babies up until they are one year old. So I went with my nurse on four different home visits around Grand Rapids. It was actually kind of informative but definitely not something I am really interested in as a career. So moral of the story, I still don't entirely know what I am going to be doing in Community Health but I know a lot of the stuff we are going to be doing is with the CORE Program, and we have that orientation tomorrow morning so then I will know more. Also, we have to do a "Teaching/Learning Project" this semester and last semester they did it at a daycare program at the YMCA. Before I knew this though, we all said where we work and I was talking about working at the Children's Center and long story short, we are going to do our project at the Center as long as it's okay with them. Which I'm sure it will be :) So I'm really excited about that. I love my kids and I love when my friends get to meet them, so it should be fun.

Hopefully I will know more tomorrow!


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