Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Worst. Patients. Ever.

Today for seminar we didn't have ANY prep work (For the first time EVER). I know this may not seem that exciting, but it really was. Instead in the seminar folder this week we had a message that said:

[No formal prep required for this seminar. Seminar time will be spent in hands-on learning activities and student participation will be essential. So come to seminar and be prepared for anything...]

Funny right? So I'm wondering what kind of cheesy cliche activities our professor would have planned for us. I got exactly what I was hoping for. Hilarity ensues ("I hope they serve Beer in Hell" reference, anyone?) Well if you've read it you will laugh, if you haven't....READ IT. I'm very off topic again. So we got into groups of 4 and took turns being the patient, nurse and observers. The patient had to go in the fall where they were given a situation to act out. I honestly feel like we have played this role playing game in seminar like 6 times. I'm over it. But this round was pretty funny. The first scenario we did patient was very off topic and no matter what the nurse asked the patient had to revert back to only talking about one thing. Amusing, but not nearly as good as the next two. The next one the patient had to be a drug addict. I should have know that my class would go all out with this. People were climbing over tables, falling out of chairs, smashing "spiders" on the walls. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. The next one that patient had to be attracted to the nurse and being overly flirtatious and hit on the nurse. So everyone was moving their chairs closer to the nurse, touching their legs, invading all personal space and being completely inappropriate. It was honestly the funniest seminar ever.


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