Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fake boobs and knee exams

So I haven't updated in a while because I went home this weekend to get my yearly fill of high school musical theatre. So let's see what has happened since the last practicum, other than turning in my paper. Ah yes, breast, abdomen, genitalia and anal exam aaand musculoskeletal exams. I've said it before, and i will reiterate it now: Nursing school is GLAMOROUS. Not really. The day after our practicum we did breast, abdomen and pregnant abdomen. We walk into the room and there are these little bags on the table that look like lunch boxes. So one really thinks about what they are until we start talking about the breast and she tells us to get the breasts out of the bags. That's right, fake boobs, in a bag. For those of you who were concerned, we do NOT in fact practice any of the breast, genitalia or anal exams on each other. We're close, but we aren't that close. Megan and I had a serious lack of focus on this day because it was the day before spring break and we were super geeked to go Vegas :) The following Thursday we did the genital and anal exam and that was super hilarious because we had testes in a bag for this lab. And manikin models of male and female pelvic areas to practice on. I think most of the class had a serious lack of focus on this day too. At least everyone around me did. Friday we did the musculoskeletal exam where we check all the joints for strength and range of motion. This was actually a relatively fun day because our professors had us all pair up and teach the class one of the joints. Me and Jenna rocked out the knee joint demonstation (which is the largest joint in the body, by the way). Other than that my nursing life has been pretty uneventful. We registered for classes this week, cultural presentations started today for seminar but my group doesn't go until next week :)

Side note: next week is going to be brutal. Pharmacology quiz Tuesday, Presentation Wednesday, Practicum Thursday, LEI Health history/ecomap/genogram due Friday. Holy wow.


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