Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So my new friend Matt from my nursing class is one of those people that you meet and you think "Man this kid is really quiet." Then the more time you spend around him the more you realize he is hilarious without even trying. So today Cheryl, Matt and I are studying for our Pharmacolgy exam and one of the things we are studying for this exam is hypothyroidism. Prior to this we were trying to remember the drug called Voltaren, which we pointed out sounds a lot like "Volturi" which got us on a quick Twilight conversation. We move on then to talking about the clinical presentation of hypothyroidism, which are:

Pale, expressionless face
Cold, dry skin
Lowered heart rate and temperature
Lethargy and fatigue
Intolerance to cold
Impaired mentality.

To which Matt states..."So basically it's Edward Cullen."



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