Thursday, April 1, 2010

Picture this.

So this story is really more about Pharmacology than nursing, but since it involves my nursing friends, I think it is blog worthy. So Matt, Cheryl and I were studying for our Pharm quiz on Tuesday and we usually try to make up acronyms for the drugs names to help us remember them. Here are the 4 we were trying to remember then names and order of (Humalog, Novolog), (Humalin, Novolin), (NPH), and (Lantus), in that order. So here's what we come up with.

First picture a log, rolling down a hill. It's the shortest acting, and the most rapid. Now picture an Indian, running down the hill after the log (Indian because of the -in ending). These are slower acting. The next one is NPH, intermediate duration. First thing I think of for NPH? Duh. Neil Patrick Harris. Picture him chasing the Indian, chasing the log. Next one, longest acting, Lantus. Sounds like ants. Picture ants chasing Neil Patrick Harris, chasing an Indian, chasing a log.

We are this cool. But we ALL got this question right on the quiz. Boom.


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