Monday, April 26, 2010

The end of the beginning...

I can't believe that the first entry in my blog was writing about starting Nursing 315, and this entry is about the end of it. This semester has absolutely flown by faster than I could have ever expected. I feel like I have learned so much, grown so much, and made so many amazing friends that I have loved getting to know. I feel that all of things I have learned this semester have helped me to become a better nurse and all of the experiences I've had through my LEI client, standard patient, and simulation lab have pushed me about of my comfort zone in the best possible ways. More so I think this semester is about the people that I have gotten to know. My lab section this semester has been absolutely amazing and we have gotten closer than I ever expected. We have all gotten to be so close that it made our last day of lab really bittersweet. We got picture frames and cards for both of our lab professors, and when we gave them to them, there were lots of tears shed. Leaving the room was so hard, because I knew it meant that this was the end of this part of our journey. Which was really sad for me, because as we all know I don't exactly do well with change. After class we all went out for lunch at Grand Coney. Picture 14 nursing students walking down Michigan St. in uniform. Hilarious. Lunch was ridiculous and so much fun. It made me realize how much I will miss us all not being together this summer, even though I know we will see each other. After lunch we all headed back to CHS or to Erin and Kathryn's house to get rides back to campus. As we were driving I was saying how sad I was that this was ending, and even though it isn't the end, it is the end of the beginning. And we all agreed that we don't think it will ever be as good as this. And even though i'm scared a lot for start 320/321, I am definitely ready to move on, and it feels GREAT to not be the nursing new kids anymore :)

Hope you like the adorable pictures of our lab section :)


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