Monday, April 5, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel

First of all, I have been realizing lately how stupid some expressions really are. "Killing two birds with one stone," for example. Dumb expression, no one can ACTUALLY do this. Also "Looking a gift horse in the mouth." I understand what this means, but the expression is dumb none of the less. This leads me to "Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel." Now in order to NOT see the light at the end of the tunnel, you must be in a freakishly long tunnel. Or in this case, going through a 14 week semester. Finally, after last week, I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This week on Wednesday my group presented our cultural presentation on the Hindu culture in our seminar. Megan and Jenna dressed up in cultural dress, we made a Powerpoint and Jenna made a cool ladder to demonstrate the caste system. Moral of the story, we ROCKED it. The presentation had to be a minimum of 9 minutes, but we got cut off at 10 minutes and we ended ours with about 5 seconds to spare. We ended up getting a 95% on it, which was AWESOME.

Thursday was our final practicum! I was in the later group to go, and Dana and I ended up being the LAST pair to go. So I had to sit and be nervous for three hours before I got to go. But it was fine, I ended up getting external genitalia, anus and rectum for my random draw and it went really well. I can't even explain how happy I am that all three practicums are DONE!

Friday we had our LAST lab quiz and turned in our LEI Project, which included the health history, ecomap, genogram, meds sheet, journal, annotated bibliography and vital signs sheet. Handing in that folder was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. And our last quiz was a group quiz! :)

With all of these things FINALLY being done I can finally see the end of Nursing 315 and I gotta tell you, i'm ready to move on.


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