Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby crazy

First of all let me just tell you, if you are wondering if I am a fan of getting up at 4:45 in the morning, I am not. That being said, I actually didn't hate the majority of my orientation at Holland Hospital today. (Side note: I feel like I have gone more orientations in the past 6 months than could possibly be necessary).

Anyway, we started off by meeting the nurse educator, filling out all of our paperwork with Human Resources, getting pictures taken for our ID badges, get our computer passwords, and getting some general questions answered. So all of that took the first two hours-ish of the time we were there. Then came the big fun. And by big fun I mean most boring 2 hours of my life spent learning computer charting. It was honestly the most boring thing ever. Not that I expected computer charting to be the most fun I've ever had but GEEZE. It was boring. And confusing. And I feel like its much more than we need to know for only being in the hospital for 8 days. But what do I know. The nurse is going to hate me on the first day when I have no idea how to do charting. Haha. Then we had our lovely lunch break. This hospital is GORGEOUS. I think I am going to really like working there. We also got a tour of the unit that we will be working on, including the Pyxis room, staff lounge, patient rooms, etc. We also get an access badge that allows us into pretty much everything on the unit except for the Meds Pyxis. We also had a lactation consultant come down and meet with us and give us some information on breastfeeding which was actually really awesome, she was great. We also went over all of the assignments that we have to do throughout our clinicals and had them all explained to us so I feel much less stressed.

I'm really happy with the hospital and looking forward to having the chance to do my first rotation there. I feel like they give us a whole lot of power and access to the hospital, which is a little crazy but pretty cool. I am really nervous to have all of the responsibility for taking care of a mother and a baby all on my own. And tomorrow we are actually going to be getting assigned to patients (mothers and babies) and learning how to do assessments on them. Tomorrow will also be a lot of learning our way around the unit. Also, after spending some time on the unit today we realized that most of the people in my group are baby whores. We were all acting like crazy people trying to see them. Needless to say, I think we are all really excited for babies! :)

Fun fact: Nurses in OB get pink name badges while everyone else gets white ones. This is to prevent new moms from giving their baby to someone who could be a baby snatcher! Ahhh people are crazy! Good thing we get pink ones! :)


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