Sunday, June 20, 2010

Labor delivery,

So let's see what happened this week... Well Tuesday I had my second exam in Theory, which I again, did not study for. And this time I really mean I didn't study. I have class at 8:30 in the morning, and I started studying at exactly 8am. What did I get on it? A 93%. Yes, I am that great. I guess if you actually read, go to class, take notes and pay attention you can actually do well. Who knew.

I had my second week of OB clinical this week also. Thursday I was paired with Sam and we were assigned to a pretty good nurse. The only problem was that 2 other people were also assigned to that nurse, so there were four of us all trying to talk to and follow around one nurse. So that was really annoying and got kind of frustrating. She seemed to like us though and let us follow her around quite a bit throughout the day. The other downside of this day was that our patient was NOT thrilled about us being there. Actually she wasn't thrilled about being in the hospital at all. To make a long story short, she thought she was going to get to go home but because the baby was group B strep unknown the baby had to stay for 48 hours. It had been MAYBE 28 hours at this point. So she wasn't thrilled to say the least when we had to go in and tell her this. But it was fine, I hung out in the nursery a lot and did some newborn assessments and just hung out and loved up all the babies. Oh and Thursday I gave my first injection. I gave Hep B to a one-day old muffin :)

Friday I was in Labor and Delivery. But mostly it was all labor. Katie and I were both in L&D that day and our rooms were next to each other, so at least we got to have fun being bored together. The picture is pretty much of the type of monitor we stared at ALL DAY. When I got there my patient was 4cm dilated and had been in the hospital since the night before so I was super pumped that she was going to have the baby. She was also really nice and excited to have a student for the day. I got to see the CRNA do the epidural and he was great and let me watch and he explained everything as he went. He was really great and it was really cool to see the epidural. It was a lot different than I thought it would be, which was interesting. But moral of the story, at 1:30 she was at 8cm and there was still no baby. At 1:30 we usually change out of our scrubs, leave the floor and go to a post-conference. I asked my nurse if there was any reason that I should stay for another half hour and miss the conference and she said she didn't think it would make sense because she didn't think she was going to have the baby. So I left and went to the conference. On the way out of the conference at about 2:15 I walked past the nurse's station and asked one of the nurses what was going on with my patient and she says to me "Oh didn't anyone come and get you? She just delivered." I was HEATED and about to flip a table, lol. I was SO disappointed, but hopefully I will get to see a birth another day.

I ALSO had my first meeting with my LEI Client on Thursday and am going with Kristin to her first meeting tomorrow, so it's nice to get a jump start on that so we aren't so stressed next rotation!


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