Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big kids!

So Friday was our first REAL day of clinicals and good news, didn't hurt anyone :) When we got there we changed into our super sweet blue scrubs, were paired up with a partner for the day and assigned to a patient. We were also assigned to report to the nurse that was in charge of the patient and listen to her get report from the nurse that was leaving. I was paired with Katie and we were assigned to a really great nurse. She actually let us take vital signs and check on ALL of her patients instead of just the one were were technically assigned to. Getting the vital signs on the babies was funny because they are SO tiny and SO wiggly and they hate being messed with when they are sleeping. We get to use these special stethoscope that are super cute because the bell that you use to listen is baby sized :) (That's what the pic is of). We also got to see a circumcision, help give a 6lb newborn baby a bath, and check vital signs on the mothers and babies. We also got to hang out with the lactation consultants and go on a few visits with them. Our nurse was really great and let us do a lot considering it was our first day. I think this was partially because it was her first day back to work in like 3 weeks and she clearly did not want to be working at 7am. This worked out well for us though because it meant we got to do a lot! She let us sit in with her when she did all of her assessments and talked with the mothers. She also worked with us to help teach us how to do all of our computer charting which is actually getting easier the more we work with it. Overall it was a really great day, and as nervous as I thought I was going to be, once we jumped into it being there just felt kind of natural. Which is what you are looking for in a chosen career :) I am really started to feel like a big kid!


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