Saturday, April 30, 2011


Yup, even though I still have one semester left until I am officially done with the nursing program, today I got to rock the cap and gown and walk across the stage. Last week was my last week of class and I only had class on Monday and Tuesday because clinical was done the week before, so it was a really quick and easy week! Then I got to go home for a few days for Easter and to spend time with my family. This past Monday was my final exam, which was cumulative and I stupidly spent approximately four hours studying for because I was home for Easter and voted that time with my friends and family was more important. I don't really regret that decision though. Ended up getting an 80 on the final and a B+ in the class, so I'm pretty happy with that overall. So that's the end of Nursing 420 and now we are in our FINAL semester. Awesome.

Which brings me to today which was GVSU GRADUATION! Because there is no graduation ceremony in August, students that are finishing up in August can either walk early in April or come back and walk in December, so we all voted for April :) So Thursday my friends Cheryl and Kathryn and I got together to decorate our caps so that they would say "RN" on them so our parents could see us during the ceremony. They are adorable. Mine has rubies and pearls on it so represent the sorority. I figured it was a good way to mesh together my two worlds in college: Alpha Sigma Alpha and The Kirkhof College of Nursing. Then Friday my mom, dad, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin and grandma ALL came up here for graduation. We went out to dinner at Carrabas and just hung out until late. My parents got me real pearls for graduation. How fitting if you know me. I love them. Then this morning I met up with Kathryn and Cheryl (And Matt and Casey) so we could all take pictures before graduation. The nursing students also got to have a whole room to ourselves while we waited to go into the arena so we had plenty of times for pictures and chatting. And we all got to sit together during the ceremony. No one fell on the stage, and the ceremony went really quick for having 1200 people (there were another 1300 at the 3pm graduation!!) It was an amazing day. Then we went out to dinner at Logan's and then the fam headed home already! Fortunately I have all of next week off so I will be heading home probably tomorrow to spend some time at home before I start the Spring/Summer semester.

I can't believe that I graduated today. Five years later. It still feels very unbelievable that we are SO close to being done and to being nurses. I loved being able to spend today with some of my favorite people, both family and friends. I am so thankful to have such a caring and wonderful family, and for the amazing friends that I have made in the nursing program. What an awesome day :).


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