Monday, April 11, 2011

My valient return to real life.

So my last entry was the "I have Bronchitis" Edition. Since then there was also the "I almost passed out in clinical" Edition AND the "I now have a sinus infection" Edition. So when I said that I was hoping to be at 100% by last Monday, I was clearly getting ahead of myself. Last week I had Seminar on Monday, and we had a chiropractor and a massage therapist come in and talk to us. It was kind of interesting,and the chiropractor was very knowledgeable and really knew her stuff. She also offered us a free consultation and thermal scan if we wanted to come in. I may take her up on that because who turns down a free consult? Monday and Tuesday we had theory and we talked about closed head injuries, coma, concussions, CVA, Parkinsons, and other brain and head things. It was actually pretty interesting, since the professor that was lecturing is one of my favorites because she tells a lot of stories and keeps us interested. Also on Tuesday our third and final paper was due. It was an 8-9 page paper bringing together the other two papers we wrote this semester and adding a compare/contrast section and making a decision about the ethical situation. I started it on Saturday and finished it up over Sunday and Monday. I feel pretty good about it, especially since I got a 94% and a 93% on the first two papers and they are all graded by the same person. We get them back next Tuesday so stay tuned! Then Wednesday we had clinical. Thursday this week we had the day off because we always get one day off during Med-Surg to make up for the time we spend doing our LEI visits. So I was feeling pretty good and ready to get back to clinical on Wednesday. Unfortunately my body was not. I got really light-headed and felt really sick all of a sudden, then I started sweating and got really nauseous. So I ended up sitting down and feeling like I was going to pass out for about an hour before my instructor finally told me to go home. I was home by 8:30. I did have to do a make-up assignment this time, but it wasn't anything too hard. I then went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a sinus infection and started on ten days of Amoxicillin. So here's to hoping that THIS week I will be back to normal and able to completely return to the functioning world. This is my last week of clinical so Thursday is only a half day and we get our evaluations done and then we all go out to lunch! Then next week is our last week of class and on Tuesday of next week I get to go HOME for Easter :)

Also last Friday I had my last LEI visit of the semester and I turned in my completed LEI binder this morning so that's done for the semester! Today was our last seminar for the semester and I finished all of my quizzes, medication modules and case studies for seminar also. I love the end of the semester when everything starts wrapping up! 15 days left of the semester, 115 days left in nursing school :)

The Dan in Real Life picture doesn't really have anything to do with this entry, but it came up when I typed "real life" and also it's one of my favorite movies...So it's a WIN.


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