Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm pretty sure...

THAT MY CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR WAS PUNISHING ME TODAY FOR MISSING THREE DAYS OF CLINICAL. Haha today was my first day back at clinical that I actually made it through the whole day! I only had one patient today since I haven't been on this floor since we moved from 6 South and still didn't know where a lot of things are. Usually having one patient is a breeze, however, my one patient was being prepped for a colonoscopy, meaning she needed to drink approximately ONE GALLON of GoLytely,which is a laxative that is given in order to "clean her out." This wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't also incontinent. And if I didn't need to put the GoLytely in through an NG tube. What this all means is that I spent 8 hours today alternating between pushing GoLytely into her NG tube and changing her briefs, pads and sheets every 20-30 minutes because she was going to the bathroom NON-STOP. In her bed. What a lovely day it was. I kept joking with my clinical group that this was my clinical instructor's way of passive aggressively punishing me for all of the days of clinical that I missed. Really she was trying to pick a patient that was having a procedure that I could go see, unfortunately the colonscopy got pushed back to 3:00 and I didn't even get to see it.

Lovely. But I survived. And tomorrow is our last day :)


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