Thursday, April 14, 2011

So Long Saint Mary's Part 2

Today was my last day at Saint Mary's! I know I already had a post that was titled "So Long Saint Mary's" but I didn't know that I was going to end up back there for another rotation. Don't worry, this time I'm really sure though. So this rotation, wow. This rotation was a little crazy for me. I spent the first two weeks on 6 South, the third week in the ICU and the OR, missed the fourth and fifth weeks entirely because I was sick, then came back the sixth week after we had moved to 3 Lacks. Crazy. This week was kind of a struggle for me just because I hadn't been on the floor for 3 weeks and it was also my first day on Lacks when the rest of my group had already been there for 3 days. Everyone helped me out with finding things though and everything went fine. It's just hard to get back into the swing of things after being gone for so long. 3 Lacks is an AWESOME floor though. Like I said earlier, we moved to Lacks after 3 weeks because it wasn't even open yet when we started our rotation. So it's BRAND NEW. And it's just really awesome. It has a lot of the little things like they have at the new Children's Hospital like thermometers, blood pressure cuffs and supplies in the room. So anytime you need extra linens, gowns, alcohol wipes, syringes, IV tubing, etc, it's all in the room. Which is nice because the floor is HUGE so anytime you need to walk to find things, it takes while and it's usually quite a walk. I wish I would have had more time on that floor, but it was nice to at least have two days.

Today I had the same patient that I had yesterday, minus the GoLYTELY. There was much less poop, so it was a win. She's actually a really sweet lady and I spent more time talking with her today. Then we had our evaluations with our instructor, which went REALLY well. Our instructor is GREAT. She writes us very thoughtful and personal evaluations and she always gives us positive feedback. She also gave us all of her contact information and told us that she is always available to write us a letter of recommendation or a reference. And she offered to help us with resumes and interviewing as we get closer to graduation. Needless to say, I passed :) Then we went to lunch at Olive Garden. Moral of the story, I am now TOTALLY done with NUR 421, including seminar, lab and clinical. And all of left of NUR 420 is a final exam! We also get our papers back in class on Tuesday. I'm very excited to be done with clinical because it means we are almost in our last semesters. SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE!!!!! :)


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